Bokuden Ryu Iai Heiho

Bokuden Ryu Iai Heiho
by Kai Kunimasa Taishin
The name of Tsukahara Bokuden has been preserved in history as a sword saint.He made training pilgrimages around Japan, teaching sword techniques.Because of this, Bokuden Ryu schools with varying content exist around the country.Of these, the Bokuden Ryu handed down to the Matsushiro Han of modern-day Nagano Prefecture was a varied Bujutsu, combining Kenjutsu, Sojutsu, Jujutsu, etc.Through the long years, this Bokuden Ryu was passed down to one martial artist,Kai Kuniyuki Taishin.He studied Karate from age 13, pressing on in pursuit of martial arts.
he continues to pursue various martial arts, with the belief that Budo is one.
A major characteristic is it’s emphasis on deriving cutting power from changing footwork.
Length: 62min.
with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD

Bokuden Ryu Jujutsu
by Kai Kunimasa Taishin
The name of Tsukahara Bokuden has been preserved in history as a sword saint.Tsukahara Bokuden founded a Bujutsu Ryuha named Bokuden Ryu.Bokuden was a comprehensive Bujutsu that included Ken, Jujutsu, Naginata, Yari, and all Bujutsu.It has the characteristic element of wearing a sword when facing the opponent, even when doing Jujutsu.
Length: 61min.
with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY
大東流合気柔術 Daito-Ryu Aikijujtsu

Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu
by Katsuyuki Kondo
This DVD is an excellent introduction of Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu.Kondo sensei speaks a detailed history and demonstrates the awesome techniques.There are also two public demonstrations. It is well known that Morihei Ueshiba,founder of Aikido practiced Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu.
Length: 112min.
Languages:Japanese, English Audio Tracks
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu
What is Aiki ?
by Katuyuki Kondo
An approach to the true essence of Aiki by the way of comparing Daito-Ryu Jujutsu with Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu.This is the first DVD which officially shows the secrets of Aiki-the very core of Martia-arts.
Length: 116min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY
琉球古武道 Ryukyu Kobudo

Yogi Kaikan
Ryukyu Kobudo Buki Jutsu
1st step
It is no exaggeration to say that, in Ryukyu Kobudo, Bojutsu is Kihon and Ogi (“inner teachings”). These techniques, seemingly simple, contain for that very reason many tricks, and if you relax your attention even slightly, an immediate weakening of strikes and thrusts may result. Most of the Bujutsu of mainland Japan were composed based on the principles of Kenjutsu, and the techniques are performed as though they were being done against Kenjutsu. In the same way, the principles of the greater part of the Bukijutsu of Ryukyu Kobudo were created to be used against Bojutsu. There is a prominent theory that the Sai was originally a Buddhist implement from India. Also, the character for Sai means a hairpin.In the Ryukyu Kingdom Period, there were mobile Ufuchiku inspectors, like our modern-day police inspectors, and in the same way that the magistrates of the mainland had Jutte, it’s said that it was used in this way as a symbol of their position. Nunchaku Jutsu is a Bujutsu that took an implement of daily Okinawan life, and was mainly used for self-defence situations among the farming class. Because of this, inasmuch as Nunchaku movement was passed down as tradition, it’s said that there are no such things as traditional “Kata.”
Length: 81min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

Yogi Kaikan
Ryukyu Kobudo Buki Jutsu
2nd step
For this intermediate volume, Volume 2, presenting a selection of basic techniques that were introduced in Volume 1. Bojutsu,Saijutsu,Tonfa and Tekko Jutsu.In Bojutsu,in the first volume, the punch was just a punch, but in this intermediate level, put the hip into it. In Saijutsu,From the initial Kokutsu Dachi Shuto no Kamae, switch and do Zenkutsu Shuto Gedan Uchi to the Neko Ashi Dachi Chudan Jun Zuki, step in, and Migi Chudan Seiken Zuki, it can be said that these repeated movements are characteristic of this Kata. In Tonfa,It’s said that this name is taken from a tool or millstone.Their operation is adapted from empty-hand movements - there are blocking, punching, turning, and striking movements, and much difficult training is required. In Tekko Jutsu,in this case, they’re mainly held squeezed in the hand like this, but here they’re held open.The reason is that the Tekko are weapons, so they shouldn’t be dropped. They’re held with the thumbs and the open little fingers of both hands so as not to be dropped.This way of holding them with the fingers open is a Tekko Jutsu posture.
Length: 81min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY
新陰流兵法 Shinkage-ryu Hyoho

Shinkage-ryu Hyoho
Transmission from Watanabe Tadashige
Shinkage-ryu Hyoho Marobashi kai
The man known as Kamiizumi Ise-no-Kami,founder is highly recognized and respected for the deep spiritual level that he reached through the practice of Ken.In Setsunin-to, you pressure the opponent so that he can't move, and cut him down with one stroke of the sword.The Ken of the very rough, old days is part of this.On the other hand, Katsunin-to is about winning without letting the opponent begin to move.There are both psychological and technical aspects to both.Generally, the psychological aspect is the mental attitude of striking when the opponent is controlled and there is also a characteristic Shinkage-ryu strategy which is to win through making the opponent move.This is the frirst DVD which introduces the real history from Kamiizumi Ise-no-Kami to Watanabe Tadashige and the psychological & technical aspects of Shinkage-ryu Hyoho.
Length: 95min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
柳生心眼流 Yagyu Shingan Ryu

Yagyu Shingan Ryu
by Kenji Shimazu
Yagyu Singan Ryu lasts more than 500 years.This covers practical Samurai techniques-basic movements,jujutsu,kenjutsu and other weapon katas.Kenji Shimazu is called one of the greatest masters in Kobudo(ancient martial arts).
Length: 82min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

Yagyu Shingan Ryu Kuden HigiThe Ultimate Yamaseigan
by Kenji Shimazu
Kenji Shimazu learned many techniques from the late master.However,He hasn't had many opportunities to share those techniques.He has decided to preserve the many verbal techniques he learned.In this DVD he introduces the true form of Yamaseigan,a secret technique of Yagyu Shingan Ryu.
Length: 114min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600PY