Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu What is Aiki ? by Katuyuki Kondo
An approach to the true essence of Aiki by the way of comparing Daito-Ryu Jujutsu with Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu.This is the first DVD which officially shows the secrets of Aiki-the very core of Martia-arts.
Details; | |
Length: | 116min. |
Languages: | Japanese with English subtitles |
Format: | DVD NTSC |
Other Info: | All Region DVD |
Price: | 5,600JPY |
[Contents] | ・History of Daito-Ryu ・Interview 1:The Nature of Aiki ・Techniques-The Difference between Daito-Ryu Jujutsu and Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu-Tachiai Ippon-Dori/Tachiai Kuruma-Daoshi/Tachiai Gyaku-Udedori/Tachiai Koshiguruma/Tachiai Obiotoshi/Tachiai Karaminage/Tachiai Uraotoshi Kokyuryoku/Tachiai Kirikaeshi/Tachiai Kotegaeshi/Tachiai Shihonage/Tachiai Shihonage Ura/Hanza-Handachi Hanminage/Hanza-Handachi Uraotoshi/Hanza-Handachi Izori/Hanza-Handachi Kata-Otoshi/Hanza-Handachi Iriminage/Applied Aiki Techniques/Tachidori/Sotogote/Shichiribiki ・Interview 2:Drawing Closer to the True Essence of Aiki ・The 54th Daito-Ryu Demonstration at the Tokyo Budokan on August 16th,2009 ・Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu 2009 Seminar |