Yoshinkan Aikido A Series of Masters -Tsuneo Ando
Tsuneo Ando is one of Gozo Shioda's top disciples and successors.''Mastering posture is the quickest way to learn Aikido'' . This is the absolute way that Ando sensei speaks and instructs.He also focuses on center power and body power.
Length: 91min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

Yoshinkan Aikido
Demonstrations of Most
Advanced Techniques by Gozo Shioda
This DVD features Gozo Shioda,Tsutomu Chida,Yasuhisa Shioda,Hitoshi Nakano,Tsuneo Ando and other top disciples demonstarating the most advanced techniques of Yoshinkan Aikido.
Length: 32min.
Languages:Japanese, English,French(selectable)
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600

The Way of Yoshinkan Aikido by Gozo Shioda
This DVD fetures the essense of Aikodo.This is the best DVD for the introduction and the history of Aikido.Basic Techniques,Jiyu Waza,Advanced Techniques and incredible Techniques are demonstrated and explained by Gozo Shioda and his top disciples.
Length: 54min.
Languages:Japanese, English,French(selectable)
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

Yoshinkan Aikido Secrets
- Yasuhisa Shioda
He is a son of master Gozo Shioda.This DVD focuses on the way to the secrets of Aikido which Gozo Shioda really wanted to transmit to his disciples.
Length: 54min.
Languages:Japanese, English Audio Tracks
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

First International Exposition of Yoshinkan Aikido
Aikido is the way of harmony-a gentle art characterized by wide sweeping,circular movement,effortless techniques and dramatic acrobatics. Aikido is an effective form of self defense and way of living.First International Exposition of Yoshinkan Aikido was held in Toronto,Canada on June 23rd in 1990.
Length: 90min.
Languages:Japanese and English.
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

SHIODA GOZO Transmission of Aiki
Meet of the legend in which SHIODA GOZO guided pupils of all over the world. A held seminar is filmed perfectly for 5 days in Canada.
Length: 73min.
Languages:English with Japanese subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,000JPY

Shin Aikido Introduction by Kyoichi Inoue
Kyoichi Inoue was brought up in the Yoshinkan Dojo that began in 1955 and trained under Gozo Shioda Sensei.He has been doing Aikido over 57 years.In this DVD he shows the basics of Aikido for all the people who are beginners and experienced people.The most important thing is the state of the heart. Here is the way to do Aikido properly and effectively.That is a so-called ''Aikido lifestyle'' to life.
Length: 115min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

The Complete
Aikido Techniques Vol.1
by Kyoichi Inoue
〜Mune Mochi Ikkajo Osae (1) from Basic Posture〜
This DVD fetures the most complete Aikido basic techniques.Inoue sensei and Kushida sensei compiled the Aikido Yoshinkan bacsic techniques under Gozo Shiods.The secret of the techniques is that body expresses the principles of the sword.
Kyoichi Inoue was brought up in the Yoshinkan Aikido Dojo that began in 1955 and trained under Gozo Shioda Sensei.He has been doing Aikido over 60 years.In this DVD he shows the basics of Aikido techniques for all the people who are beginners and experienced people. Here is the way to do properly and effectively.
Length: 82min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,300JPY

The Complete
Aikido Techniques Vol.2
by Kyoichi Inoue
〜Kata Mochi Yonkajo Osae (2)
from Kata Mochi IkkajoOsae (1)〜
This DVD fetures the most complete Aikido basic techniques.Inoue sensei and Kushida sensei compiled the Aikido Yoshinkan bacsic techniques under Gozo Shiods.The secret of the techniques is that body expresses the principles of the sword.
Kyoichi Inoue was brought up in the Yoshinkan Aikido Dojo that began in 1955 and trained under Gozo Shioda Sensei.He has been doing Aikido over 60 years.In this DVD he shows the basics of Aikido techniques for all the people who are beginners and experienced people. Here is the way to do properly and effectively.
Length: 86min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,300JPY

The Complete
Aikido Techniques Vol.3
by Kyoichi Inoue
〜Shomen Zuki Kokyu Nagefrom Irimi Nage〜
This DVD fetures the most complete Aikido basic techniques.Inoue sensei and Kushida sensei compiled the Aikido Yoshinkan bacsic techniques under Gozo Shiods.The secret of the techniques is that body expresses the principles of the sword.
Kyoichi Inoue was brought up in the Yoshinkan Aikido Dojo that began in 1955 and trained under Gozo Shioda Sensei.He has been doing Aikido over 60 years.In this DVD he shows the basics of Aikido techniques for all the people who are beginners and experienced people. Here is the way to do properly and effectively.
Length: 85min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,300JPY

The Complete
Aikido Techniques DVD-BOX
by Kyoichi Inoue
This DVD fetures the most complete Aikido basic techniques.Inoue sensei and Kushida sensei compiled the Aikido Yoshinkan bacsic techniques under Gozo Shiods.The secret of the techniques is that body expresses the principles of the sword.
Kyoichi Inoue was brought up in the Yoshinkan Aikido Dojo that began in 1955 and trained under Gozo Shioda Sensei.He has been doing Aikido over 60 years.In this DVD he shows the basics of Aikido techniques for all the people who are beginners and experienced people. Here is the way to do properly and effectively.
This is the set of 3DVD.
Length: 253min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 15,000JPY

The Mistery of the Aikido Body by Takayuki Oyamada
Takayuki Oyamada trained Aikido under Gozo Shioda and instructed at the Yoshinkan Aikido Dojo over 20 years.And then he became independent.This is his first DVD.This DVD fetures the root of the Aikido techniques.At the Yoshinkan Dojo, beginners start their basic training with Kamae.Kamae,Seiza and Shikko Ho - there are very important points contained in this series of movements.He introduces the root of the techniques which is body control and awareness control.
Length: 123min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,300JPY

Yasuhisa Shioda Aikido Ultimate Introduction
Yasuhisaa Shioda moves ahead with the feeling that the 100th years of Gozo Shioda's birthday is the beginning.He actually want to pursue the essence of Aikido.
This DVD introduces the effective method to master self training,basic posture,basic movement and basic techniques that are based on Aikido no Riai. This is the first DVD for SIAF(Shioda International Aikido
Length: 116min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,300JPY

Aikido Renshinkai First Step by Tsutomu Chida
Chida sensei's first DVD as a chief instructor of Aikido Renshinkai founded in 2008.He studied Aikido under the Aikido Master Gozo Shioda Sensei, inheriting his skills and spirit through his long tenure as an Uchi Deshi disciple.
Proceeding from the posture of Kamae to strong forms and to look for the opponent's weak spots.But didn't spend enough time on is changing the form of the opponent's strength.
Length: 110min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

Aikido Renshinkai Second Step by Tsutomu Chida
In 2008, Aikido Renshinkai was established to spread the techniques andteachings of Shioda Gozo Kancho. Through a systematic teaching method,anyone can understand the essence of Aikido.This time we will look at intermediate level techniques,We will be focusing on Dai Ni Kihon WazaThe Dai Ni Kihon Waza is not more difficult,as all techniques are based on the same principles.
Length: 97min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

Aikido Renshinkai Third Step by Tsutomu Chida
This DVD fetures advanced techniques.These techniques aren't really that difficult.We will examine points which weren't covered in the basic and intermediate techniques.We will learn a variety of techniques and look at how various techniques are related to each other. If you don't remember to correct shape for the techniques,the techniques we looked at in this DVD will be difficult.First,we need to remember the correct movements for Shite and Uke.After that we can perform techniques based on different kinds of power.
Length: 80min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,300JPY

Yoshinkan Aikido: The Complete set of Techniques.
This is the most complete collection of Aikido techniques.This incredible collection ia available in a 3 DVD box set. Demonstrated and explained by Gozo Shioda and top Yoshinkan instructors :Tsutomu Chida,Hitoshi Nakano,Tsuneo Ando and so on.
Length: 476min.
Languages:Japanese and full English narration
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 15,000JPY

Chino Susumu
Aikido Yoshinkan
An Introduction
to Basic Technique for beginners vol.1
This DVD contains the material from 10 Kyu to 4 Kyu.The performance of Kata(Kata-geiko) in Aikido isn't simply executing a form - the use and manifestation of the power within the Kata are important.This DVD will explain things that are hard to convey in photos in instruction manuals. At the Honbu Dojo,having spent many years receiving direct instruction as the last Uchi Deshi of Shioda Gozo Sensei,Chino Susumu,receiving those mysterious techniques,transmits the Aikido he received directly from Shioda Gozo Sensei as the acting Kancho.
Length: 122min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,300JPY

Chino Susumu
Aikido Yoshinkan
An Introduction
to Basic Technique for beginners vol.2
This DVD contains the material from 10 Kyu to 4 Kyu.The performance of Kata(Kata-geiko) in Aikido isn't simply executing a form - the use and manifestation of the power within the Kata are important.This DVD will explain things that are hard to convey in photos in instruction manuals. At the Honbu Dojo,having spent many years receiving direct instruction as the last Uchi Deshi of Shioda Gozo Sensei,Chino Susumu,receiving those mysterious techniques,transmits the Aikido he received directly from Shioda Gozo Sensei as the acting Kancho.
Length: 100min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,300JPY

Ueshiba Morihei
Aikido no Shinri(Truth of Aikido)
Aikido is the clarification of the principles of the universe and all the gods,the divine law of the gods.Aikido is the study of the spirit,it is not a form.This DVD represents the principle of Aikido by showing Morihei Ueshiba's voice,many of photos and films.Please take a look at this DVD repeatedly so that you would understand the truth of Aikido.
Length: 48min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

Arikawa Sadateru
Aikido no Shinzui(Essence of Aikido)
Sadateru Arikawa was born in Tokyo 1930 and entered the Aikikai,1947,becoming the direct disciple of Morihei Ueshiba. Due to the severity of his training,he was called ''Killer'' and ''Demon''.Also, beginning with Aikido,he was also a researcher of data on Budo/Kobudo, and a collector,possessing many photographs and videos of Morihei Ueshiba.As an Aikido authority,he witnessed the development of Aikido after the war, but didn’t like to be on center stage.He was also an influential person, behind the scenes, when it came to the truth of Aikido. After the death of Arikawa Shihan, Enku Nariyasu Toyosaki was bequeathed with the great amount of material that Arikawa Shihan had collected.2003 the Goshinjutsu Aikido Genshinkan was founded.Following the will of Arikawa Sadateru he was said to be the most skillful,taking Arikawa’s techniques and expounding on them.
Length: 126min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

Ueshiba Morihei
Aikido no Ougi
Aikido is one of the gems of Japanese Bujutsu.This is the third volume of the Sadateru Arikawa Kensho series.Aikido no Ougi means the heart of Aikido.Morihei Ueshiba,the founder of Aikido,speaks in his own voice about what Aikido is.This world must be improved by doing Aikido.Through this Aiki,all on the earth will be reconstituted.This DVD represents the principle of Aikido by showing Morihei Ueshiba's voice,many of photos and films.Please take a look at this DVD repeatedly so that you would understand the heart of Aikido.
Length: 62min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

Sword and Aikido
by Kunimasa Matsuba
He is a famous Aikido master and is a modern swordsmith with a proud history of winning many awards both at home and abroad. It is said that Aikido shows the logic of the sword through the body.Kunimasa Matsuba is the best Aikido-ka to introduce what Aikido is and what the sword is.
This DVD is the introduction of Sword and Aikido showing the original training methods that have been created by him.Many Aikido-ka have long been looking forward to this DVD.
Length: 112min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

Aikido and the Sword Vol. 2
by Matsuba Kunimasa
Daishuten Jojutsu,Inyo / Yin Yang Aikido Tanren Ho
Aikido isn’t Aikido unless you have a bird’s eye view of the inside of the body and have the spiritual and the physical as one, where the flow of Ki is one with the use of the body.And really understand the unity of spirit and flesh for the first time when it works well.When your body, spirit, technique and Ki come together nicely, the technique is very effective.He encountered Yayama Shiki Kiko Ho, and received a lot of instruction from Yayama Sensei.Sensei is someone who has for several dozen years studied the relationship between the human body and the development of Ki.He was strongly influenced by this in his creation of this method.In this DVD he introduces the solo training method of Aikido which you've never experienced.
Length: 67min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,300JPY