

Kapap2 : Relative Positioning
with Avi Nardia

All the techniques and ways are demonstrated by Avi Nardia. He not only teaches technique,but also principle and theory. This is one of the best DVD's for those who want to learn real self defence.

Length: 132min each
Languages: Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info: All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY
[Contents] ・Warm-up & Stretching
・Priciple of Shooting
・Basic Movement-Ground Techniques
・Basic Movement-Standing Techniques
・Defense before Knife
・Gun Disarming
・Defense against Punch & Kick
・Stick Disarming
・Push & Pull
・Up T & Down T
・Basic Self-Defense
・Many Meanings of Relative Position
・Every Movement has a reason
・Basic Training
・For the Security Forces
・Security Guard
・Deadly Mistakes in Using Gun.