剣道 Kendo

An Introduction to the Kendo by Akira Kubo
Akira Kubo is the chief instructor of the Tokyo Kyumeikan Dojo and some of the Kyumeikan Dojos overseas.He has worked to train students and develop instructors since 1969.His Dojo is a center to spread Kendo all over the world.This is the best DVD which introduces Kendo practically and philosophically.
Length: 110min.
with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

Kenodogu logically make excellent tools and possess a beauty that fully takes pratical use into account .Kendogu, a traditional craft that exudes craftmanship,may be comfortably used for a long time,preserving safety through correct use and appropriate care.
This DVD,intended for the Kendo players and instructores,introduces the characteristics of Kendogu as well as the correct methods of wearing and caring for it.
Length: 69min.
with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 2,800JPY
剣術 Kenjutsu

Ono-ha Itto-ryu Kenjutsu
The 17th Generation Soke Takemi Sasamori
What is the essence of Itto-ryu ? It's simply making the techniquessoft and round.You think you want become strong and you use the techniques roughly.On the other hand,the way of training is to be soft,round,and to support the other person.Discard the desire to drink your Sake ans also discard the heart of extravagance.It's a matter of cutting away various thoughts.Cutting away means that one must cut away his pride and weak points as well.It's both.Cut away all of the advantages and shortcoming.Cut away your ego,too.This was teaching of Ittosai Ito,founder.Takemi Sasamori,the 17th generation soke introduces the ultimate Gokui such as Goten and Gokui.
Length: 122min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,300JPY

Kenbu Tenshin Ryu by Hiroyuki Aoki
40 years since the founding of Shintaido, a miracle in the world of martial arts.
Hiroyuki Aoki, who has always walked the vanguard, developed Kenjutsu with all of his heart and soul in order to develop physical ability as well as spiritual discipline.
Length: 139min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

Samurai Etiquette by Ryumon Yamato
The etiquette of martial arts is not simply manners.Each and every action of etiquette assumes the possibility of a sudden attack, and includes a posture for defense and counter-attack.Knowledge of this, and it's correct internalization, is connected to improved competency.Those who are able to perform etiquette completely internalize perfect strength.
Length: 60min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 4,800PY

Ken Ryu Shuriken Jutsu Introduction
by Tomoo Yamashita
The word Shuriken has the meaning of a blade in the hand. In other words, Shuriken Jutsu is Ken Jutsu. In training, one must therefore not ignore elements of presence such as Hasuji (correct blade alignment) and pre-emptively reading the opponent.Shuriken can be broadly divided into Kuruma Shuriken and Bo Shuriken. Kuruma Shuriken are flat plates with protruding blades.These are well known due to Ninja cartoons and movies. Bo Shuriken are shaped like a stick with one end sharpened, and it’s the Bo Shuriken that are the mainstream in the world of martial arts.More than just being a type of throwing tool, an important use of Shuriken is to quickly stop an opponent’s advance. Most Shuriken masters were Samurai who studied the sword. So there’s a deep connection with the use of the sword with both hands. The method called Jiki Daho, used in most Shuriken Ryuha (schools),in which Shuriken are thrown straight, without turning, was influenced by the Katana. Also, the effective range of Shuriken is approximately three and a half to five meters, about the length of two to three Tatami mats,which doesn’t differ much from the distance at which one takes a guarded Kamae with the Katana.
Length: 55min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY
居合道 Iaido

Toyama Ryu Iaido by Yoshitoki Hataya
The Japanese Sword:The Tireless Pursuit of Combat Methods.Yoshitoki Hataya has pursued the killing methods of the sword,and revived the original forms of Iai,Kenjutsu and Batto,which were originally the same.This is the cutting edge of combat lai,not only in Japan,but around the world.
Length: 66min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY