Introduction to
Japanese Swordsmith
—Kozuka Koubou
The Japanese sword is the one of the greatest steel works of art the world has ever known.Japanese sword researcher-Paul Martin,as he is guided through the swordmaking process by swordsmith Ozawa Shigenori in an attempt to produce a traditional utility knife called a Kogatana.
Length: 30min each
Languages:Japanese and English
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 3,800JPY

Token-The World of Masters
(Works of 8 Contemporary
Japanese Swordsmiths MURAKUMOKAI)
The Japanese sword is the one of the greatest steel works of art the world has ever known.Japanese sword researcher-Paul Martin,as he is guided through the swordmaking process by swordsmith Ozawa Shigenori in an attempt to produce a traditional utility knife called a Kogatana.
Length: 30min each
Languages:Japanese and English
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

The Ancient Techniques and Spirit of the Japanese Sword —A Modern Challenge
Videotaped the forging of a Sue-Bizen style sword in Osafune, a town famous for sword making, employing traditional methods.There are few opportunities for people to see what modern swordsmiths have brought down from past generations.Many people will have the opportunity to view this video to witness the entire process of sword making, from the first step,the creation of Tamahagane, to the final polishing of the completed sword, and deepen their understanding of the beauty of the Japanese sword and the skills required to create it.
Length: 32min each
Languages:Japanese and English
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

The Japanese Sword
The Art of MIYAIRI Yukihira
The swordsmiths reveal the beauty of their masterpieces, a total of 15 magnificent sword, with vivid clarity in pictures chosen from among 70 hours of material captured by highly experienced film professionals. As a results of this professional effort to show the powerful allure of these beautiful swords, the sheen of their jitetsu and hamon through the eyes of the swordsmith, we present the ultimate film experience.In addition, throughout the film the features of the Japanese sword, the Nie, Nioi, Kinsuji and Utsuri, and their changes over time are explained. We heartily recommend this film as a valuable textbook of the features of the Japanese sword and the skill and passion of the swordsmiths who create them.
Length: 35min.+Bonus18min.
Languages:Japanese and English
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY

Tanto Ikkan—
The Modern Bizenden Tradition Tchnique
—Swordsmith Kuniie Yoshihara
Swordsmith Kuniie Yoshihara is the foremost individual in the modern Bizen tradition.He is known as a City of Tokyo Intangible Cultural Asset,he works as adviser of the national modern swordsmith organization,the All Japan Swordsmith Association.There is no one connected to modern sword that doesn't know of the Yoshihara clan.Many modern swordsmiths have been influenced by the unrivalled,excellent craft of Yoshihara clan sword making.3rd generation Kuniie Yoshihara is at the center of the clan.He wants to leave behind swords that,100,500 or 1,500 years in the future,no matter who looks at them,they'll know they were made by Kuniie Yoshihara.This DVD features the Japanese sword production process by Kuniie Yoshihara.
Length: 31min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 4,500PY

Hono ni Inoru—Pray to the flames
—The Modern Soshuden Method
Swordsmith Miyairi Kozaemon Yukihira
In the region that counts for most of present day Kanagawa Prefecture,Formerly called ''Sagami no Kuni'',the region also called
''Soshu'',developped a method descending from Masamune.This method was called ''Soshuden''.The sword smith ''Miyairi Kozaemon Yukihira'' has inherited the spirit of Soshuden and puts great effort into sword making.His father was a living natinal treasure.''Miyairi Kozaemon Yukihira'' thinks of whether he can make the feeling close to something from Kamakura/Nanbokucho periods,and then he proceeds to make it mainly with the iron he useshimself. He wants to express a ''naturalmess'' to which has not been added the power and ambition of the hand of man.This DVD features the Japanese sword production process by Miyairi Kozaemon Yukihira.
Length: 34min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 4,500PY

Modern day Gassan tradition
800 years of Ayasugi Lineage
Swordsmith Gassan Sadatoshi
The Gassan tradition has continued approximately 800years.The Gassan tradition is a special forging method, and the swords possess a very deep spirituality.And that is that the entire blade is covered with the Ayasugi pattern.This is not merely a decorative element.It exudes a sense of religious connotation.Gassan Sadatoshi would like to build even further on the artistic qualities and create Japanese swords that can be appreciated worldwide.This DVD features the Japanese sword production process by Gassan Sadatoshi.
Length: Japanese version 30min.+English version 30min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 4,500PY

The Polishing and Care of the Japanese sword
Hon'ami Koshu
The Hon'ami Family - At the peak of Japanese sword appraisal and polishing.There's a phrase,''Origami Tsuki''.It's a phrase that conveys a gurantee of merit in terms of quality and craftmanship.The origin of this phrase lies in the fact that ,at the peak of pioneering in the appraisement and polishing of the Japanese sword.The Hon'ami family uses the twice-folded Houshoshi papaer in the sword certificate,and swords with this certificate and therefore called ''Origami Tsuki'' swords.In 1996,he inherited the Hon'ami Koi line,becoming the 18th generation.He has polished about 1,500 Katana and Tachi at this point.In October of 2014 he was recognized as being the holder of a nationally designated important intangible culutural assets,as a so-called ''Living National Treasure'',becoming the 7th person in the field of sword polishing to receive this distinction.This DVD features the Japanese sword polishing techniqus by Hon'ami Koshu.
Length: 28 min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 4,500PY

All the Techniques
of Tsukamaki
by Mitani Shuji
In using the sword,Tsukamaki is something that was done in order to better rein force the handle fabric and give freedom to the hands.Thereare many ways of wrapping in Tsukamakisuch as Morotsumami-maki,Morohineri-maki,Katahineri-maki and Hira-maki.This DVD shows all the techniques formally transmitted up to modern times.
Length: 134min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,300JPY