
Chen-style Taijiquan by Cheng Sheng Long
Within the numerous traditional Chinese martial arts,Taijiquan, Xingyiquan and Bagua Zhang are collectively called Neijia Quan.The principle of the idea Neijia is that you are not born with it but can grow strong at it.For this reason, the practice of Qi,that everyone has, is the key to Neijia.
Length: 131min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600PY

Bagua Zhang by Cheng Sheng Long
Within the extensive history of the numerous Chinese martial arts Bagua Zhang is relatively new.Although it has only been about a hundred years since it was created,Bagua Zhang is said to represent the essence of Chinese martial arts history.This is the first DVD in the world to reveal the true Bagua Zhang of Cheng Sheng Long Laoshi, a 4th generation master in the lineage of Cheng Ting Hua.
Length: 54min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600PY

Xingyi Quan by Cheng Sheng Long
Compared to other Internal Martial Arts like Taiji Quan and Bagua Zhang,Xingyi Quan has a distinct simple and mainly character to it.Free from any ostentation, it has been said that this is the ultimate martial art, in which can be found in condensed form the essence of the long warring history of China's past.This DVD introduces for the first time the ancient traditional Xing Yi Quan, preserved throughout the centuries and transmitted to Cheng Sheng Long Laoshi in its authentic form.
Length: 55min.
Languages:Japanese with English subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600PY

Magui Baguazhang by Li BaoHua
This DVD is an introduction of Magui Baguazhang showing characteristic,history,lineage,basic theory,circle walking and single changing palm.Circle walking is the foundation of training Magui Baguazhan and single changing palm is the basic of all movements.These two are the secrets as well.
Length: 100min.
Languages:Languages:English with Japanese subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600PY

Magui Baguazhang 2 by Li BaoHua
Second step of learning Magui Baguazhang.This DVD features single changing palm application and double changing palm. He also shows eight different ways of walking the circle,eight mother palms of the dragon,step movements and fighting applications.
Length: 90min.
Languages:Languages:English with Japanese subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,300PY

Standing Zen and Yi with Michio Shimada
Michio Shimada is one and only student who was allowed to open a Dojo by Kenichi Sawai,the founder of Taikiken.
To do Zen is to become the Zen state.Zen and other things all become connected.It's the creation of this state.
Length: 90min
Languages:English with Japanese subtitles
Format: DVD NTSC
Other Info:All Region DVD
Price: 5,600JPY