

- 商品番号:SPD-7109
- 収録時間:35分
- 価格:税込¥3,300(本体価格¥3,000+税)
- 仕様:カラー/STEREO/片面1層/英語字幕
- リージョン:ALL
- Jan 4941125671095
- ISBN978-4-86308-841-2 C2875 Y3000E
- 発売日:2019.12.20
If one were to ask what is a ninja sword, it can be said that a ninja sword is a Japanese sword, a soul of a warrior living in great nature, the expansive universe. A ninja sword looks like a samurai sword, but it possesses the magical power to live in a void. "Ninja" = "sword", and the respective forms contain the unity of truth.
Ninja sword making is all about making a sword that is solid and practical, but it has an artistic beauty that is non-inferior to the various works of arts in the world, and also shows an extremely high degree of craftsmanship. I believe that you can understand that by viewing these DVD and photograph collection.
It is my hope that through the ninja sword collection, you will understand the wonder of the ninja and how high the level of ninja martial arts was. -
昭和6年、千葉県に生まれる。“蒙古の虎”と呼ばれた最後の実戦忍者、高松寿嗣に師事し、古武道9流派の宗家を継承する。戸隠流忍法、高木揚心流柔体術、虎倒流骨法術、玉虎流骨指術、雲隠流忍法、玉心流忍法、義鑑流骨法術、神伝不動流打拳体術、九鬼神伝流八法秘剣。9流派のエッセンスを総合し、武神館道場を設立した。全身感覚に裏付けられた武道体術を追求している。世界中に弟子多数。宗家寿宗。Masaaki Hatsumi
Born in Chiba prefecture in 1931. He found his life's mentor,Toshitsugu Takamatsu who was the last real Ninja and was so called ''Mongolian tiger'', and studied under him for the next fifteen years, becoming the 34th Soke of Togakure Ryu Ninpo Taijutsu and eight other arts (Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jyutai Jutsu, Koto Ryu Koppo Jutsu, Gyokko Ryu Kosshi Jutsu,Kumogakure Ryu Ninpo,Gyokushin Ryu Ninpo, Gigan Ryu Koppo Jutsu, Shindenfudo Ryu Daken Taijutsu and Kukishinden Ryu Happo Biken ) which he unified into the Bujinkan Dojo. There are lots of disciples all over the world.